05 June 2007

speechless// a recap of the APU trip

When trying to describe the past three weeks with the APU team, I am at a loss of words. Continually throughout the trip I was left speechless. The utter beauty, alone, of this wonderful place is enough to silence any Chatty Cathy. Even at this moment, my jaw is dropped in awe of the scene outside my window. The sun is adamantly pushing through the clouds, causing tiny rainbows amongst the heavy mist. Being a lover of words, I am always reaching for a way to describe my experiences here in the most descriptive way possible. However, this year I think the lack of words describes my experience best.

With the role of leader and three previous trips lingering over my head, I am convinced that God needed to silence me in order to let my superb team experience the wonder of South Africa in their own ways. And God used beauty of his creation to quiet me; the toothless smile of a two-year-old boy waiting patiently for his bowl of soup, the orange streaks of sunlight hitting the purple mountains, the powerful voice of a worshiping mother.

And when I was silenced, I watched God move in all 12 of us in unique ways. Whether it was through praying for the sick, sharing life stories with teenagers, serving soup to young children, or worshipping God with a new approach, God revealed himself to each of us. Realizing how real God can be to so many different personalities added a whole new dimension to my faith. I’ve experienced the God of wonders, of grace, of sovereignty and of nations. But this trip I have experienced the God of pursuit. He passionately searched each of us out.

I am reminded of one night of prayer with our team. God’s presence was as thick as the morning marine layer over the San Francisco bay. After the prayer time, several of us sat together giddy over how present the Lord was. We joked that God must find our behavior so silly. He had revealed but one more facet of himself, yet we were so overwhelmed. I had seen another glimpse of our magnificent Lord and once again I was speechless.

So I thank each of you for your prayers for team unity, for safety, for willing hearts and for openness to the Holy Spirit. Many personal and corporate prayers were answered in our three weeks here.

As most of you are aware by now, my time in South Africa will continue through the summer and upcoming fall. I will intern with Monte Christo Ministries and then continue my studies here through APU. I am grateful for the opportunity to spend a season here and look forward to sharing stories when I return. I will be sure you keep you all informed of what the Lord continues to do during my time here.

Thank you all for playing a special role in my pursuit of the Lord’s calling on my life. The spiritual and physical support I continue to receive over the years has been deeply appreciated.

Until then, may the Lord bless you and keep you.

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