03 November 2007


Today Jesus told me to play.

“But Lord, how do I play? I don’t know how to play. What’s so important about playing anyway?”

“I will teach you. Just come.”

“But Lord what about the things that need to be done? What about planning for tomorrow? How will I make an impact for your kingdom if I don’t get to a place where I can impact?”

“Jenna. You won’t get anywhere without me. I order your steps. And right now, you need to play. If you don’t play now, you’ll never play again. You need to play because you need to let go. You need to let go of tomorrow.”

“Yes, God. But what if I stop to play and then forget to plan?”

“Trust me Jenna. Your ways are not mine. When we do it my way, I get the glory. But forget about that plans. It’s not about the plans. It’s about the play.”


“Yes, dear.”

“I don’t know about this. Are you sure?”

“The day you stopped playing was the day you stopped fully trusting me. Tomorrow will always be there. But today is just today. So play. I’ll teach you. Just come.”

Today I’m learning to play. Who knows what I’ll do tomorrow.

Have you played today?


Nicole said...

come home and play with me!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.